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Raised By Squirrels is published by Panel Press.


You never call! Maybe you should instead? Seriously, we'd love to know what you think about RBS.


Occasional posts from (usually) Bram and (sometimes) Monica about comics in general, this comic in particular, art, design, publishing, visual culture, and far, far too many things about actual squirrels.


A couple of confessed raised-on-nineties-comics guys are reading the Lee/Kirby Fantastic Fours at Four the First Time. I've added it to my RSS feed and look forward to seeing how it develops. Via the Newsarama Blog.



Issue 1.10 is available for download. Next month, Pete's going to feature Janet in a Squirrel Tales about Bookman's early days as director. If you'd like to be alerted when it's posted, just send an email.


With any luck, my parents haven't sold my old issues of Jet Danger, Agent of R.A.N.G.E.R. to fund their retirement. Marc's just done a pinup, and it got us started reminiscing over at his blog. You should leave a comment with your memories there.


The innaworld guy is featured in the latest Geico spot. Hearing him always always reminds us that "people like knowing a movie’s going to be ‘in a world'."


No blogging last night, out with some friends (at their recommendation) to see DeVotchKa. They've just done the soundtrack for Little Miss Sunshine, so check 'em out before they get huge. A few downloads at MySpace.


Tenacious D movie on the way. Rock! Via Adfreak ('cause now I even get my entertainment news from adblogs).


The Newsarama blog has an article about Wally Wood's 22 Panels That Always Work and the definitive version from the original drawings that is now available. We first learned about it a couple months back when Jeff passed it along after a discussion about an especially talky RBS.


This morning on NPR, Edward Tufte reminded us of the dangers of PowerPoint. Not of hours lost in pointless presentations, but the very real danger that important information is being missed. And he's not the first to notice.


In a world...where betrayal becomes deceit that turns into lies, Owen Wilson is James Bond, 007, in Only the Lonely Die Alone. And here's the theme song.


This weekend, 7000 BC will have a table at Bubonicon 38 in Albuquerque. Comics from the whole group and some original paintings from some folks as well. We're going to try and make it there for the day on Saturday.


Over at the DCC, a tantalizing glimpse of the League of Lincoln cover.


A day or two later than all the cool comics blogs, Tales of the Black Freighter: Marooned (The Reconstruction), which pieces together the story-within-a-story from Watchmen.


After I wrote about The Colony, Marc and I corresponded and he agreed to do a pinup for the next book. Well, this past weekend, he finished it off and posted the art. We think you'll agree it's pretty amazing.


On impulse at the comic shop yesterday, picked up Dusty Star. I'm not entirely decided about it as regular purchase, but a lot of little touches combine to make it really well-designed, good-looking book. That cover at the Web site isn't the actual issue 1 cover.


In the Successories poster style, Star Trek Inspirational Posters. Found, a couple days after it was posted, at the Newsarama blog (hey, the feed was broken).


More than a week later than all the adblogs — which has gotta be, like, a century in Internet time — this viral video from Smirnoff. And a shout-out to all my homies back in my native land, keepin' it real New England style. Note: my trips to the Cape were nothing like this.


Previously available only to a select few, the legendary Pirelli Calendars are now online. Forty or so years of them. It's all artistic — and a fashion, design, and photography icon and all, but, ummm, NSFW.


Photojournalists Photoshopping: bad. Gawker continues the coverage. The image is over at the Beeb.


Here's a little story affirming the importance of proper punctuation in the business world. The comments section is pretty interesting — and has probably the fewest grammatical errors of any forum I've ever seen on the Web.


With mashups all the rage, last week the ad people joined in.


Hey, who doesn't like a good, dark teen movie? From the premise, I thought it was going to be maybe more ironic, humorous, but Brick is noir, through and through. And well worth seeking out.


Matt — who's actually gonna be here in Santa Fe this weekend — has posted a preview from the next issue of Mr. Big


Catching up on Ig City, and since I'm still a newish reader, working through some of the archives. As much as I enjoy this valuable primer on the perils of the classics, it really all begins at Knit Club.

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