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Raised By Squirrels is published by Panel Press.


You never call! Maybe you should instead? Seriously, we'd love to know what you think about RBS.


Occasional posts from (usually) Bram and (sometimes) Monica about comics in general, this comic in particular, art, design, publishing, visual culture, and far, far too many things about actual squirrels.


Good squirrel news, via Liz. Though I think the good news was that they didn't stick around long enough to become trouble.


SQRL Station B G V was unable to make it, but luckily SQRL Station S was deployed to the east coat and was at the Baltimore Comic-Con.


Via a loyal squirrel spotter: they're rotten little thieves


We won't be making it to Bubonicon — starting soon — this year. But 7000 BC will still be there with plenty of independent comics from local creators, and Jamie and Rob will also have tables. Remember, it's free to get into the Dealers Room.


Still digging through the childhood longboxes. After last weekend's Warlord marathon, Jon Sable seemed an obvious followup, but seemed like a lot of Grell's alter egos.

So, New Mutants. So, so many words. But really, Claremont gets a lot right about the teenage dynamics, and was really crazily inventive. Still working my way through — and that Cloak and Dagger arc was work — but the real fun again was seeing that first Demon Bear issue, after all the regular superhero stuff that came before.


Brilliant. Seems that Phil Noto's unearthed a bunch of photos from Marvel's glamor days in the '60s. Via Raph.


Sigh. Our loss is Dark Horse's gain. The next Norris/Estelle adventure's on indefinite hiatus — because our enormously talented friend Jamie is working on an adaptation of Hound of the Baskervilles.
Squirrel beer cozy: no. Star Trek quilts: yes. Via the NSFW Regretsy.


Heeding Morrison's call to spend more time reading comics, spent a bunch of this weekend going through a bunch of The Warlord from the early–late '80s. Grell's stuff was oh-so-macho and not immune to cliché, but it holds up a lot better than the weird time travel stuff that came after. Only thing keeping me from ditching those later issues (other than trying to figure out who'd want 'em) is maybe wanting to keep The Barren Earth backups. That might be decided on a reread later this week of that miniseries.


7000 BC meeting in Santa Fe on Saturday. See you there.


Saturday night, read 1969, which had me scurrying back to re-read 1910, and then re-reading The Black Dossier on Sunday (except for that Kerouac chapter), then 1969 again. It won't likely be the mad fun the first two were, but I believe it'll all come together nicely. Eventually.

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