A big thank you to Brian Pulido and Whilce Portacio: 7000 BC member Todd had his brand-new comic at ACE this past weekend, and you were both good enough to sit with him and give him a thorough, helpful critique. He's now ruined for future cons, but you showed how successful creators can treat aspiring artists with class.
Unlike a certain famous redheaded watercolorist who couldn't be bothered to converse with or even thank us for taking time away from our table to watch hers.
Raised By Squirrels is published by Panel Press.
You never call! Maybe you should instead? Seriously, we'd love to know what you think about RBS.
Occasional posts from (usually) Bram and (sometimes) Monica about comics in general, this comic in particular, art, design, publishing, visual culture, and far, far too many things about actual squirrels.
For anybody who might be running across this site for the first time — like maybe somebody who bought comic or two to at ACE: welcome!
This is the home of the serialized comic that Monica and I produce (admittedly, more than just somewhat infrequently), Raised By Squirrels which is available for free by downloading the PDFs to the left (starting at the bottom) or for purchase via those links on the side.
RBS is released under the Panel Press imprint, where we offer a few other comics, including Death, Cold As Steel and The Darkness From Warsaw which are set in the RBS universe, but at an earlier time, and feature art by Jamie Chase. And our newest series New West, with art by Caleb Yeider.
We're also members of 7000 BC, a Northern New Mexico-based comic creators collective. You can check out their Web site for more, including current activities and some free downloads.
This is the home of the serialized comic that Monica and I produce (admittedly, more than just somewhat infrequently), Raised By Squirrels which is available for free by downloading the PDFs to the left (starting at the bottom) or for purchase via those links on the side.
RBS is released under the Panel Press imprint, where we offer a few other comics, including Death, Cold As Steel and The Darkness From Warsaw which are set in the RBS universe, but at an earlier time, and feature art by Jamie Chase. And our newest series New West, with art by Caleb Yeider.
We're also members of 7000 BC, a Northern New Mexico-based comic creators collective. You can check out their Web site for more, including current activities and some free downloads.
Still getting it all back together after ACE — a great time, thanks to everybody who made it such a success. Some photos at the 7000 BC Flickr and another run through another Artist Alley:
Heading off to ACE in minutes — some last-minute news: Jeff's put together some great 7000 BC-sponsored programming, and the Alibi, as part of their con coverage, offers reviews of local comics.

Gearing up for Albuquerque Comic Expo this weekend — for the first time, Panel Press will have its own table, in Artist Alley next to Jamie Chase.
7000 BC will have a booth on the main floor (where I'll be for some of Friday), with issues of string, assorted books and a map to our members and colleagues.
At the Panel Press table, we'll have Raised By Squirrels, Death, Cold As Steel, The Darkness From Warsaw, New West, Panel Press and SQRL t-shirts, a print by Jeff, and a brand-new Warsaw print from Jamie.
I always kinda liked Elseworlds, but all the artists creating alternate history versions of superheroes these days generally leave me cold. This, however, is pretty great.
Why not? The Born This Way X-Men parody. Via Andy.
And via Raph, who is a Morning Person, a spectacularly entertaining Gone and Forgotten.
And via Raph, who is a Morning Person, a spectacularly entertaining Gone and Forgotten.
Peter Saville on more than three decades of design for Joy Division and New Order. Pretty amazing commentary. Via Coudal.
Should I just set this blog to repost everything Richard Thompson posts? Yes, I should. Be sure to click the graphic and then again to enlarge.
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