For anybody who might be running across this site for the first time — welcome!
This is the home of the serialized comic that Monica and I produce (admittedly, more than just somewhat infrequently), Raised By Squirrels which is available for free by downloading the PDFs to the left (starting at the bottom) or for purchase via those links on the side or at comic shops in Santa Fe and Albuquerque.
RBS is released under the Panel Press imprint, where we offer a few other comics, including Death, Cold As Steel and The Darkness From Warsaw which are set in the RBS universe, but at an earlier time, and feature art by Jamie Chase. And our newest series New West, with art by Caleb Yeider.
We're also members of 7000 BC, a Northern New Mexico-based comic creators collective. You can check out their Web site for more, including current activities and some free downloads.
Raised By Squirrels is published by Panel Press.
You never call! Maybe you should instead? Seriously, we'd love to know what you think about RBS.
Occasional posts from (usually) Bram and (sometimes) Monica about comics in general, this comic in particular, art, design, publishing, visual culture, and far, far too many things about actual squirrels.
New issue posted! Download a PDF of The Mountain, Part 3. And if you've forgotten where Rose and Tyler are, check out the older issues.
Battle! Pug! Battlepug! Via Greg Rucka's latest, a webcomic from his Q&C collaborator Mike Norton. OK, it's a story-within-a-story, but way fun.
Working on a way to present cartoons in the context of modern art (and maybe sneak some comics in there to) for a presentation at IAIA next week. Drawing heavily from McCloud and, oddly enough, my ca. late-'80s, Arnason.
But took a quick break to catch up on the War Dog of the Week. And while I'm generally not inclined to post inspirational videos, this one is really badass. Any parachuting movie that begins with a guy pulling on his legs and getting his dog, you owe it to yourself to watch.
But took a quick break to catch up on the War Dog of the Week. And while I'm generally not inclined to post inspirational videos, this one is really badass. Any parachuting movie that begins with a guy pulling on his legs and getting his dog, you owe it to yourself to watch.
Andy says, "postable": Presidential Superheroes to the Rescue. I probably should've saved it 'til Presidents Day or something …
Off to hear the author of A Spy's Guide to Santa Fe and Albuquerque in a few, and then the Hillerman Writer's Conference for the rest of the weekend.
As I'm sure you've noticed, page is fixed, as is Panel Press, thanks to Monica.
And thanks to James (working the day before his wedding) is live. I've got twenty years of graphic design and project management experience — and a love and understanding of comics and their production — ready to take on something new. Email me.
And thanks to James (working the day before his wedding) is live. I've got twenty years of graphic design and project management experience — and a love and understanding of comics and their production — ready to take on something new. Email me.
Still no graphics on the page, so here's a photo from last night. I'd just tried a stealth move and rolled a one. DM ruled that the flare in my pack exploded.
The new Wonder Woman's been causing some controversy, but Azzarello and Chiang offer some sound reasoning behind their decision to (spoiler alert) make her a daughter of Zeus. So far, WW's one of the high points of the new 52, and I'm looking forward to their continued reinvention.
Storytelling links today, a couple via Andy: an abstract for an article I'll have to see if the library can get and advice for scientists — and everybody, really — about how to communicate your ideas. And then today's Monday Morning Memo, one of my favorite advertising reads.
Me? I'll learning more about storytelling this weekend at the Tony Hillerman Writers conference from the people who know a few things about it, including David Morrell, Douglas Preston, and Hampton Sides
Me? I'll learning more about storytelling this weekend at the Tony Hillerman Writers conference from the people who know a few things about it, including David Morrell, Douglas Preston, and Hampton Sides
Some shakeups here, we're still digging out and trying to get back on track. Look for more info an blog posts soon.
In the meantime — got an email from Ed Power, of the unfairly canceled My Cage. He's re-teamed with Melissa and is looking for some funding to finish their new graphic novel: Santa vs. Dracula. Looks great, check it out and send some support their way.
In the meantime — got an email from Ed Power, of the unfairly canceled My Cage. He's re-teamed with Melissa and is looking for some funding to finish their new graphic novel: Santa vs. Dracula. Looks great, check it out and send some support their way.
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